Minimum Age for Consumption: Peas can be introduced to babies from around 6 months of age. Their soft texture and sweet taste make them an excellent choice for one of the first vegetables in a baby's diet.
Preparation Tips:
Common Allergies: Pea allergies are uncommon but possible. They belong to the legume family, so if there's a family history of legume or peanut allergies, it's particularly important to monitor for any allergic reactions.
Seasonality: Fresh peas are typically in season from late spring to early summer. However, frozen peas are available year-round and are a good alternative when fresh peas are not in season.
Nutritional Benefits Specific to Babies:
Peas are not only a nutritious addition to your baby's diet but also a versatile vegetable that can be easily incorporated into various meals. Their mild flavor and nutritional benefits make them an excellent choice for supporting a growing baby's needs.
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